Wisdom Is The Most Important Thing

Think More Wisdom

We can all use more wisdom, and therefore we should seek it. Wisdom is the knowledge and ability to make the right choices at the most opportune time. That is to say, one makes the best choice in any given situation.

We are lifetime learners. At least we should strive to be. No one has “arrived” in life to where we are complete and can no longer learn a thing. As long as we are breathing, we have more to learn.

Let’s discuss many benefits of wisdom, and why we should all seek it more:

Wisdom is precious and very valuable. There are jewels that are precious and very valuable- diamonds, rubies, onyx, jasper, coral pure gold, and more. They all cost a fortune! If you think of the priciest jewel or precious metal in the entire world in any amount, wisdom is more valuable than that. Nothing we desire in life can be compared to wisdom.

Wisdom pays us, it is profitable. It increases our status in our sphere of influence and beyond, and as a result, we enjoy the fruit of sowing wisdom. Because we possess the ability to execute wisdom, we receive respect, honor, and praise from others. When they think of us, others will value us as a wise person who they can come to for advice. They will see our wisdom and learn from it.

We can learn wisdom from others. Learning from others will assist us in avoiding unfavorable events in our lives. Learning from instruction in many instances is better than learning from experience. We can learn from others by talking with, studying, watching, and researching those who we deem wise.

Wisdom exudes maturity and self control. No matter how you might desire to respond, in tonality, harshness, sarcasm, etc., wisdom guides to the proper response every time. You say the right words, at the right time, with a pure heart and the ability to convey those words in such a way that there cannot be a more appropriate presentation.

Wisdom paves the way to peace. It can calm a volatile situation, comfort a grieving circumstance, or sooth a worrying soul.

Wisdom brings stability. Stability occurs with a sound mind. One’s thoughts are not “all over the place.” Sure, a wise person considers many options, but then chooses the most appropriate response.

For those of the Christian faith, God says if anyone lacks wisdom, they are to ask God, Who will freely give it and not hold back. That invitation makes wisdom available to anyone who simply asks. Such a person should first recognize that they lack wisdom, and could use more. Next, they should ask God for more wisdom. Then, they should believe they receive the additional wisdom. Finally, they begin to operate and function in that wisdom.

Wisdom is a defense, better than strength and weapons of war. This tells us that the various world countries do not use wisdom. There have been many wars in the world that, looking back, should not have occurred. Many countries fought because of greed and selfishness, in order to dominate or rule over another country, and for other unwise reasons. If our world leaders would have used wisdom in their conversations, I am certain many of the wars, dissensions, and antagonistic relations would not have happened. Wars and rumors of wars cause stress among the people, on a global level.

Wisdom decreases our stress level. Stress is not good for our bodies. It causes heart attacks, high blood pressure, changes in concentration and ability to focus, depression, insomnia, and a myriad of other negative problems. We live longer without these medical and mental problems that take away so much from our lives.

Wisdom paves our pathway to peace. It allows us to sleep peacefully, knowing that we have accomplished our best during our waking hours. It also allows us to navigate safely in life and keeps us from stumbling.

When we operate in wisdom, it brings us a pleasant and happy life. It gives and prolongs life. Although we may encounter bumps in the road, overall joy will be our experience. We are comforted in knowing that our lives are fulfilled on a greater level when we move in wisdom and peace.

Wisdom helps you and others. Gaining wisdom and greater wisdom should be what we all strive for. It’s as simple as asking for it, focusing on it, and operating in it. There will be a sense of comfort and satisfaction when we truly exercise our gift of wisdom.

Today I think then become… a person who operates in wisdom, and teaches others how to do it as well!

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