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All You Need Is Love.

It’s Not Good to do Wrong, Then Take on a Victim Mentality.

There is a great bible story, you may be familiar with it.  The story is about two sons of Adam and Eve, their names were Cain and Abel.  In a quick and to the point summary, Cain became jealous of his brother Abel with such great intensity, that Cain killed Abel.  This murder is known as the first in the history of the earth.  After Cain killed his brother, God approached Cain and asked him where his brother was. Cain lied and said he did not know.  Then Cain got sarcastic with God and further asked the question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

God basically let Cain know that He knew what Cain had done, and that Abel’s blood was speaking to Him from the ground.  God then cursed Cain from the ground, meaning that if/when Cain farmed or tilled the ground, the ground would not yield a harvest.  God also told Cain that he would be a vagabond, a wanderer.  That Cain would not be settled on any land to call his own.

After God cursed Cain from the ground, Cain felt that his punishment was too harsh. He stated that God was evicting him from the land where he lived, that he was doomed to be a vagabond, that he would no longer enjoy being in God’s presence, and whomever he would encounter as he wandered, would kill him.  God then put a mark on Cain so no one would kill him when they encountered him or crossed his path.

Let’s put things in park for a moment and dissect this story, and please allow me to give my sidebar comments as well:

First of all, according to this biblical story, Cain knew the right thing to do, God even told him the right thing to do (I didn’t mention this part in the summary). Yet Cain chose to not do what was recommended to him by God.  Thus, he intentionally disregarded what God told him to do.

Secondly, Cain allowed himself to become jealous of his brother.  Abel chose to do, and did, the right thing in God’s eyes.

Thirdly, Cain thought about killing his brother before he committed the act.  Every action is preceded by a thought.  How much time he thought about it before he did it does not matter. Whether it was well in advance, or at the spur of the moment.  He still thought about the heinous act.

Fourthly, Cain entertained the thought of killing his brother.  After the thought comes a plan to make it happen.  So Cain entertained the thought to kill.

Fifth, Cain devised a plan to perform the act.  No further comment on this is needed.

Sixth, Cain actually committed the murder.

Seventh, Cain lied to God about knowing where his brother was when God approached and questioned him.

Eighth, Cain became defensive and sarcastic with his response to God.

Finally, when God cursed Cain, Cain became a crybaby and clothed himself with the garment of VICTIM MENTALITY.

As in the story of Cain and Abel, Victim Mentality comes when one portrays themself on the receiving end of some type of negative event, a misfortune, a mishap, at the hands of another.  This placement of themselves in the “victim” role, is an inaccurate one.  The person holds on to this role as if they are totally cleared of wrongdoing.  The person who claims they are victimized:
1. Does not take ownership of their contribution to the scenario.
2. Shows no remorse in regards to their participation in the preceding course of events.
3. Sees others as the oppressor and themselves as the oppressed.
4. May become defensive when another person sheds light on their contribution to the
5. Might solicit support, or even sympathy, from others, because of the consequences,
even though they were wrong from the beginning.

Oftentimes we make decisions which may not be the best one for us, and yet when the consequences of the decision are experienced, we blame others.  Or we might do something to someone else, knowing it is not the best or right thing to do, to that person’s harm.

Let’s not be like Cain.


Choose to do the Right Thing- It is a choice.  It may be difficult at times, yet we must be intentional in our choices to do what is right.  Every action begins with a thought.  You will be rewarded for doing what is right, and no one can dispute your actions if it is the right thing to do. 

Own Mistakes and Errors.  May be difficult to own up to your wrongs, especially if you do not want to get caught, or to save face.  However, it is the best thing for you.  That way, you clean your slate, and have a fresh start to make all things right.

Do Not Allow Yourself to Become Jealous of Someone Else, whether it includes what they do or what they have.  Each of us has our unique gifts and qualities to share with our fellow humans.  Develop those gifts and qualities.  Let us use them for the greater good of every person in existence.  What others have done, you are capable of doing as well.  However, no one can do you better than you!  Use your unique gift for good and celebrate others accomplishments.  You will have yours too, that someone will celebrate with you.  If they don’t, that might not be a person to have in your circle.

When a Negative Thought Comes, Get Rid of It
Do not entertain negative thoughts.  The perpetuity of negative thoughts eventually lead to negative outlooks, physical deterioration, and isolation from people who want to distance themselves from such negativity.

Be The Best You That You Can Be
This is the best, most promising road to freedom.  It will certainly reward you, as well as others.  We are all teachers and examples of what good can be and look like.  Let others follow your example of good.  You are the best example of you to the world- BE it!

Today, I think then become…. A Great Doer of Right!


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