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Think On These Things

“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

This biblical declaration is very true.  Our world is guided by our thought life.  Whether we think the best or worst of a thing, we eventually live that thing out.

There is a reason why we are to think positively and focus our thoughts on good things.  Scientific research has shown that thinking positively can make one more mentally and physically healthy, view the glass as half-full, reduce stress, and it increases longevity of life.  This is verified by chemical and hormonal reactions that occur in our bodies as a result of our thoughts, good or otherwise.  We can truly be transformed when we challenge our minds to think on the pleasantries in our world.

In these trying times, the current events of this world can have a tremendous negative effect on the control center of our very being- our mind. If negative thoughts are allowed to enter and abide in our control center, and especially if we entertain that negativity, we will begin to live out or act out those thoughts. We cannot allow the thoughts to enter and remain.  We must guard the door posts of our minds to outside enemies.  Just as we lock our doors to keep us safe inside, we figuratively have to do the same in our minds.

Many confuse thoughts as already residing inside them. Not all thoughts are self generated, meaning we do not create all of our thoughts. Many thoughts are generated from without our beings, and may be suggested by others, even our spiritual enemies.

Some may believe that “positive thinking” is nonsense. Nothing can be further from the truth. It is far better to think and speak positively than in the negative. For example, numerous successful people have a habit, or personal ritual, of speaking and reciting positive affirmations and mantras before they start their day, and several times during the course of their day.  You don’t hear of any of them speaking gloom and doom to their day. They have an upbeat attitude and outlook for their day and future. This is part of their success. It starts with a particular mindset, a positive one. Even if they make a mistake, it is considered a learning experience.

We must learn to have a positive “think-life”. We will be more apt to feel better, do better, and be better. We will have a greater ability to accomplish our goals, and have more fulfilling life experiences.  When we enjoy the benefits of realizing our goals coming to fruition, we become more credible when coaching others to change our mindset to positive thinking.

Let’s explore some points that would assist us in directing our thoughts away from negativity and more towards positive thinking.  Think on these things:

True things – Things that love the truth, speak the truth, do not conceal. No lies are allowed. No falsities are allowed.

Honest things – Things that are respected, esteemed, revered, honorable

Just things – Things that are righteous

Pure things – Things that are clean, chaste, modest, immaculate, not defiled

Lovely things – Things that are pleasing, acceptable

Things of a Good Report – Things that sound well, are favorable, pleasant

Virtuous Things – Whatever is of moral goodness, exemplary, right-minded

Praiseworthy Things – Worthy of commendation and merit, admirable

These virtuous points allow us to tweak our existence, and direct our lives into a more pleasant one, where we look at the better side of a thing.

Occupy your thoughts with the good things in life.  Write down the positive things you would like to do in life. 

This positive thinking takes concentration and practice.  You may want to try it for 30 days.  Soon you will begin to recognize and become more conscious of negative thinking and speaking out of your mouth, and then out of the mouths of others.  You will find yourself gently correcting, and perhaps even counseling, others on how to change their thoughts and speech.  After that 30 days, positive thinking and speaking will become a habit.

Today I become….more conscious of what I think- for the better.  So be it.