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Think Then Become Blocks

We Were Built to Operate In Excellence!

Car manufacturers build cars to operate in the best way possible.  They always think of ways to improve the cars’ function from year to year.  Whether it is the sound system, navigation and GPS, aerodynamics, acceleration, steering and handling, and more, the manufacturer seeks to improve the end product.  In like manner, kitchen appliance manufacturers look to make the best product possible to please the customers, with each successive model more advanced than the previous.  Even Apple Inc., makes each phone more advanced than the previous one.  In other words, all of these manufacturers seek to improve their products with each new one.  They look forward to their product existing in the best possible sum of all of its parts.

We Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

We are the same.  Every dear soul has been built to operate in excellence.  That means we are all created to operate at our highest, optimal level possible. We are the best earthly definition of our being.  It is good if we take full advantage of that fact. We are all made to make an indelible mark in the earth, and no one has the ability to do it better than ourselves.

No one was/is created to be a liability to society.  Each of us must do our part to contribute good to this earth.  We should do our best to be an asset to the world.  We were created to do so, and it is our responsibility.

Everything we Need to Operate in Excellence is Already in Us

While it is true that we sometimes may need the support of outside resources, we have inside of us everything we need to succeed- ideas, drive, assertiveness, motivation, encouragement, gifts, talents, and more.  We were each born with all we will ever become in this life- which are the various good qualities that our other fellow human beings need.  It is up to us to pull these traits out to share with one another.  We also glean certain things from others in the pursuit of doing our “good”.  Those “things” can be wisdom, direction, guidance, ideas, and so forth.  The nuggets that we gather from others should be those positive things that will add to the betterment of oneself.

Don’t Allow Others to Discourage Us From Becoming the Best We can Be

We must learn to be our own cheerleaders.  Others may serve as our encouragers, however, there may come a time when we have to be there for ourselves.  There will not be our grandstand of cheerleaders at our beck and call.  Sometimes, there might be no one to call at all.  In those instances, we have to look into ourselves and explore the wonderful, excellent person that we are.  Also, in the face of discouragement from others, we cannot allow our progress to be hindered based upon what others may say to or about us.  If we allow it, we put them in a position of control over us.  No one is created to control another, so do not allow that to happen.

We are Worthy of the Best in Life

We can do, and are able to do, all that we choose to make our positive contribution to society.  I honestly believe that we all can do whatever in life we choose, for the greater good, to make this world a better place.  We have that power.  Within us.  When we do good, we benefit others and ourselves.  What we put into the world, we get the same in return.  In other words, we reap what we sow. Let’s take advantage of that power to do good.  Let’s sow good seed, then watch a harvest grow from that.  It’s just like sowing an apple seed.  Not only one apple grows, but a huge tree of numerous apples grows from that one seed.

It is up to us to set the example for others, to teach them the right things to do in life, the right thoughts to think, the appropriate behaviors, and to contribute positive gems to all of the people in their sphere of influence, then those we touch will do the same, until it reaches all of the world.

Let’s go!

Today I will think, then become a “Person Who Operates in Excellence”.